Why rent its Property? -> IFI, thenew ISF from Macron

Wealthy taxpayers will no longer fill out an ISF statement in June 2018. As Emmanuel Macron promised during the presidential campaign, the Solidarity tax on fortune was replaced as part of the Finance Bill 2018 by a property tax (IFI) weighing solely on real estate assets. Some “outward signs of wealth” (yachts, luxury cars, etc.) see their taxation raised.


The IFI, how to use

Long-sought by the Economic Community, the abolition of EWB was, for the first time in thirty years, on the menu of a finance bill. Decried for its role in the tax exile and the many optimization tactics it is the object of, the government decided to refocus the tax on wealth on the real estate, retaining the current scale and rates, as well as the abatement of 30 % on the principal residence.

Learn more about https://www.lesechos.fr/economie-france/dossiers/030655430833/030655430833-ifi-le-nouvel-isf-version-macron-2119468.php#wv3hxOBB3fQyRvzd.99